Cold Throne Steel
Crystal - Balmung - Goblet W21 P41
A Place to Call Home
In prior days, Cold Throne Steel was renowned throughout the streets of Ul'dah as the best source of Ishgardian steel. Be it weapon or armor, none could find better quality than the work of Lady Kathrine Throne. As time wore on, though, the Lady's inspiration dwindled, and the house fell quiet. While it has been many moons since hammer met anvil, the walls of the shop still adorn her past work, coupled with a renewed supply of goods.Thanks to the work of her fiance, Taerha Njoren, the shop has been revitalized with new vigor - and new products. From herbal tinctures to alchemical concoctions, the once blacksmith's shop has now become an adventurer's haven.But that isn't all the house offers.For many in Eorzea, home is a luxury. The promise of warm food and a soft bed doesn't always come easy. But for the members of Cold Throne Steel, the safety and succor of home is but a short trip away. Members are all asked to contribute to the house - either in its care, its business, or its people. Everyone works together for the betterment of the whole.Between the efforts of its members and its renewed business, Cold Throne Steel has once again opened its doors to the people of Ul'dah, of Eorzea, and abroad!
Who do we seek?
Crafters and merchants, adventurers and scholars, chirugeons and apothecaries - Cold Throne Steel accepts one and all under our roof, even those who have no formal training. Many can find work as apprentices or simply aid the house in cooking and cleaning. All that's asked is that each member give exactly as much as they take.
Free Company Guidelines
- While roleplay is our primary focus, we encourage all forms of play, from crafting to PvE
- We encourage diverse characters, but generally avoid the typical Big Damn Heroes (no WoLs)
- Our space is LGBTQ+ friendly. Absolutely no hate speech, racism, homophobia, transphobia, etc
- Our space is 18+ Only. We do not shy away from adult content, but it isn't the primary focus of the FC (no ERP alts please)
- We have no participation requirements currently
- Our FC is cross-server friendly. There is no requirement to be on Balmung